On to this week’s show!
This week we have the lovely Kayla Andrade, hopefully by now all you real estate investors know who Kayla is. She’s been running a not for profit, grass roots organization called Ontario Landlord Watch to bring us landlords together to support one another and mobilize politically, inform the powers that be the challenges we small, private investors face in creating more housing supply and better help good tenants.
Kayla shares why her family emigrated from Newfoundland to Ontario, changes in policy we landlords need to watch out for and how to escalate our problems at the Landlord Tenant Bureau. Plus we chat about Landlord Credit Bureau, a service that helps tenants build their credit and hold them accountable to paying rent on time. If you’ve never heard of them, please check them out, these guys are a game changer. We’ve signed up and I wish I knew about this service years ago so we could hold those tenants who roughed up our properties accountable.
Please enjoy the show!!
Web: https://ontariolandlordswatch.com/
Facebook: Ontario Landlords Watch, @ontariolandlordswatchOLW
Email: OLWlandlords@gmail.com