Hello and welcome to another episode of the Truth About Real Estate, my name is Erwin Szeto, the four time award winning Realtor to investors, host of this podcast, the #81 Business podcast per iTunes, where we focus on bringing you true experts, masters of their craft and we have a great guest for you today in real estate coach and educator Elizabeth Kelly.
The term coach has been used lightly these days. I see even folks with 1-2 properties as side hustles call themselves coaches. Elizabeth Kelly has a bit more to her resume than that. Her own property management company hundreds of doors, she was a full time real estate investing educator at Rich Dad Canada having personally taught a couple thousand investors including many of the infuencers and coaches you see today on social media.
Today we touch on a couple subjects such as the investment in real estate education and some of the different options out there as there are more than ever but some offer better value than others.
Elizabeth shares about her career and investor journey to arrive at where she is today. Her strategies when starting out investing in 2008 is very different than how she invests today and my intention for you my 17 listeners is to see for yourself how a professional investors at different stages, lessons learn so you may avoid mistakes and make more money.
Then we will offend many when we discuss what’s working and what’s not working in 2023. This may shock you, many of the fad investments getting a lot of hype won’t work in 2023. Make sure to have a listen before investing in any coaching or courses or even property.
2023 is going to be a fascinating year and here at iWIN real estate, we will be arming our community with the best information possible. Staring with our free webinar on how to sell a tenanted property for maximum return on January 17th, followed by our iWIN, in personal networking meeting on Saturday morning Jan 28th when my team and I share our bold predictions for 2023 for our target investment markets and we have at REIT in the house, Lawrence Raponi of Equiton with a brand new presentation explain how professionals buy apartment buildings, from how they find deals, to the numbers they need before even looking further into.
Learn how the professionals invest or at least learn how investing in a REIT works including cash flowing from day 1.
If you’re on my email newsletter, then you know how to register. If you don’t? Well that’s just silly, go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca enter your name and email and you will receive an email when we have events and when new episodes of this show is available.
New to 2023 is we will be producing a lot more free educational videos and podcasts. If you have suggestions for topics you would like covered please let us know.
It’s my pleasure to introduce to you, my friend who passed our strict screening, Elizabeth Kelly.
Please enjoy the show!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-kelly-consulting
FB: https://m.facebook.com/EKConsulting.ca/
IG: https://instagram.com/elizabethkellyconsulting?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=
Real Estate Resilience Summit: https://realestateresilience.ca/sumreal-estate-resilience-summit-ek