Never stop learning, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with so I choose to be with these top real estate entrepreneurs who are all on track to do big things. #mastermind
I shared with them my big ideas and they encouraged me to keep going. I’ll of course need their help and I’ll be there for them when they need mine.
So many big things coming in 2019 and I can’t wait to share them all with you in due time!!!!
After lunch at my mastermind meeting, I passed my phone around for a casual conversation about everyone’s nightmare investor story. I know some of the stories are really scary but we all survived and the returns were more than enough to compensate us for our efforts.
Just this week I was speaking to a client looking to exit their investment where their capital return is around $200,000 for one property. Just think how many hours per day, per week, per year it takes for you to earn that kind of money they decide if investing is worth it for you.
My first job out of university right after September 11th, 2001 paid me a whopping $35,000 per year. You don’t need a calculator to figure who’s hourly rate was better.
Happy Hallowe’en!!
Show notes and Thank you to:
Susan White Livermore:
Michelle Gauthier:
Sarah Coupland - Apartment building specialist:
Aaron Moore:
And Ryan Carr:
Every morning the first content I consume is business or self development books. I’m loving the app Blinkist right now (thank you @tashamonaghan71 for the recommedation). Super cheap and summarizes much of the greatest books in history. The screen capture is Eat That Frog by one of my favourites @thebriantracy. Pretty much the perfect book to start the day.
I just downloaded “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie as it’s been a while since I last read it and the book keeps coming up in my coaching of other investors and coaches on my team. The lessons from this book have enabled me to attract mentors, be a better leader to clients and employees, build relationships with contractors and celebrities in our industry.
Getting guests on this podcast to deliver you all the best information is no cake walk either as everyone’s time is precious. Many guests need some coaxing and cajoling as we have no budget to offer speaking fees LOL.
Speaking of budgets and celebrities, if I were to hire a guest speaker, a real estate personality to come speak at my event, come on the podcast. Who would you want that to be? E.g. a panel member of Dragon’s Den, Brian Balmer, Mike Holmes, the Property Brothers, or someone unrelated to real estate. Please let me know! Reply to one of my emails or hit me on social media. I’m on Instagram and Facebook mostly.
If you’d like to take a deeper dive, meet and see myself and other guests of this show live and in person then get on the invite list for the Halton REI networking meetings at Sheridan College in Oakville Ontario. Past and most talked about guest Jay Gabrani will be our keynote speaker sharing how real estate saved his life and the strategies he implemented to do so including option trading and private lending. To get on the invite list go to, will out the form and you’ll receive our monthly invitations.
Also, if you would like to receive our new episode notifications to your email inbox you can do so by going to and input your name and email. Simple as that!
We are all over the map in attempting to catch up to what Quentin D’Sousa is up to in life and investing. That’s what happens to full time investors, one does not need to focus as much on one geographic location or strategy when you have a 40-50 hour week to grow a real estate business.
Quentin shares on a bunch of topics including how and what he looks for when doing deals, tips on renovating from having done 50-70 major renos, his fitness and weight loss journey, he’s already lost 90 pounds this year with a 10km race coming up.
Q’s monthly networking group:
Q’s coaching program:
Ben is among the best natural sales people I’ve met. Sales may sound like a yucky skill or profession but to steal a joke from the legend Brian Tracy, the oldest profession is not what you think it is but rather it is a form of Sales :)
Ben will share his lessons from starting out to where he is today. Ben started out as a new agent like anyone else but he earned $400,000 in commissions in his first year and not long after that $800,000.
Ben shares how he started off working for free to build a name for himself and how he today is always looking to blow people's’ minds so they send him referral business. Plus his lessons on mindset for his team for them to break through their own perceived barriers.
I even took some of Ben’s advice and the next day we were able to help out a friend in serious need due to a nasty divorce. That’s actually a good lesson if you want to be a good mentee, let the mentor know which I did and it made Ben’s day. The mentor will then know you take action and continue to mentor.
Ben has an event coming up for Realtors in Edmonton and in Toronto. I’ll be attending the Toronto event with my team and I hope to see you there: the url is
Thanksgiving Hamilton Basket Brigade Edition Complete!! 40 underprivileged families have a lot more warm clothing, winter boots, toys, games, food.
As the President I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this happen. Our board of governors, our donors and volunteers. The Hamilton elementary public and catholic school boards for your support. They are the ones who identify for us which families need the most help and allow us to be proactive vs. reactive.
For Thanksgiving we changed up our format to deliver more quality instead of quantity by spending the same budget we do for 300 families for a Thanksgiving dinner to 40 of the most impoverished families in Hamilton. We asked the school boards for their worst and they definitely delivered. We have lots of single mom families, a single dad family who just moved to a trailer park after the loss of mom to cancer, a single mom who just sold the family car to make rent.
This time we asked the parents what they wanted and they asked for warm clothing, winter jackets and boots, toys, games, arts stuffs and food. Parents asked for some essentials like deodorant, toilet paper and clothes but nothing else. We budgeted $100 per person.
It’s hard to explain the impact of what we do so instead I’ll read to what volunteer Kara wrote me:
“I just delivered my suv full off stuff for the Willows (not their real name) family. It was amazing to see the joy on the 7 kids faces and mothers gratitude for everything. 6 boys screaming with excitement over new clothes, snow pants, running shoes, hats, gloves and new sweatpants/sweatshirts was absolutely amazing to witness. The mother was so grateful for everything and was so happy with the amount of useful stuff she received. The kids couldn’t believe all of the new stuff they received and one of the boys was yelling “this is the best thanksgiving everrrrrr”. The grandmother said I had esp because they received everything they were in need of (especially all of the snow pants). This truly was an amazing experience for both the family and myself. Thank you team for all of your hard work and dedication to the community. It was greatly appreciated.
I look forward to Christmas!!
Happy thanksgiving to you and your families.”
If you would like to support us, the three best ways are:
On to this week’s show!!
Returning guest and it’s been way too long is Tahani. She is a baller but she didn’t start that way, born into a Jordanian refugee camp, she came to Canada for an arranged marriage that later dissolved leaving Tahani a single mom in the frozen tundra of Canada who barely spoke English.
She now drives premium German import cars, she trades in developments, Tahani was just on the Marilyn Dennis Show and has an upcoming TEDx talk in Toronto on the subject of resilience.
Tahani is hosting a women’s only conference in November on the subject of real estate. She shares on the show how 90% of her clients are men and why she’s giving some attention to the ladies.
We also talk about her son’s experience on Big Brother Canada, how she’s raising her kids to be leaders, and how she won’t spoil them with guaranteed inheritance. Funny enough, raising rich kids is a coming topic among my investor friends so you don’t want to miss this.
Like Madonna, Tahani only goes by one name so without further ado, I give you Tahani!!
You as the CEO of your life and business. If you were to take a third person view, say you’re the chairman and have a look at the CEO you have employed to run your life and business. Would you want them to have high energy and eat a healthy diet or would you want someone sluggish who considered french fries a vegetable?
In masterminding with many entrepreneurs, health and weight are concerns for many as they should be. Much of your health and weight depend on your inputs meaning what you eat and here to help us all with what the heck should we be eating is my performance Dr, Dr Callum Cowan. If you follow him on Instagram (@phenom_doc), you’ll notice his patients include many elite athletes whether Canadian Olympians, to NHL’ers such as local Hamilton boy and defenceman for the Nashville Predators, Ryan Ellis to UFC Champion Max Holloway.
Dr Cowan answers my millions of questions on what to eat vs. not to eat: e.g. coffee, chocolate, a glass of wine a day, most science backed optimum diet, the fastest path to gaining more energy and health. If you don’t believe in functional medicine, that’s cool too, I just know I’ve gone from needing regular naps in afternoons to having the best mental clarity I’ve ever had, I’m pushing new personal bests in the weight room, my abs are popping, and I know I could beat up any previous version of me. I’m not looking to impress but rather share my results from my lifestyle changes.
If you hear me mention Tom, that’s my friend, mentor, gym buddy Tom Karadza, co-owner of Rock Star Real Estate. He’s the one who introduced me to Dr. Cowan.
Anyways, without further ado, Dr Callum Cowan.