We were super excited when Don accepted our invitation to the show and we are even more excited after the interview!! I (Erwin) tried to be a good host and stay present but I couldn’t help but take tons of notes as Don was handing out gold (figuratively)!! I’ll share them later in the show notes on our mrhamilton.ca website but we couldn’t wait any longer to release this episode because:
If you don’t know Don, he is the best-selling Canadian real estate author in history. But that is just the surface. He is also a veteran investor, a teacher, a Philanthropist & market analyst (and, if you’re friends with Don on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theREINman, you know he's an organic farmer).
Don has spoken to tens of thousands of people on stages all over North America, Australia, Ireland sharing his analysis, his strategies and his life philosophies . When the national media: CBC, BNN, CTV, Global News, Financial Post, Globe and Mail, Sun Media, etc… wants an unbiased comment on the real estate market, they go to Don in his role as Senior Analyst of the Real Estate Investment Network, a company that has provided detailed forecasts and analysis of housing markets across Canada for over 23 years.
My goal with the interview is to get deeper into his story, to drag out some tips and strategies you may not have heard before. You’ll find this a fast paced discussion, so I suggest you get your note paper ready and share it with your friends who are interesting in investing in real estate.
You can stay in touch with Don Campbell via:
Twitter: @DonRCampbell
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thereinman
Blog: www.DonRCampbell.com
... and we both hope to see you at ACRE / SOS